José Guerrero Gonzalez
Position title: Post Doctoral Research Associate
About me: I am a postdoctoral trainee in Medical Physics a UW-Madison. My research has had an emphasis in developing and implementing methods based on quantitative diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) for the non-invasive study of brain tissue micro-structure. Applications of such methods include the study of brain development as well as the investigation of neurological conditions like autism, traumatic brain injury, and cerebral palsy. My expertise includes multivariate analytic methods for precision-medicine analyses; dMRI signal model optimization; data processing pipelines for neuroimaging studies in both human and preclinical animal models; construction of test objects (phantoms) for apparent diffusion coefficient, relaxometry (T1,T2), and elastography quantification; and MRI pulse sequence and protocol development.
What motivates me: Pushing the edge of medical physics applications research to improve our understanding of neuroanatomy and potentially improving treatment and outcomes in neurological conditions.