Our Pediatric Neuromodulation Lab shared presentations at the combined 11th Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AusACPDM) and the 3rd International Alliance of Academics of Childhood Disability (IAACD) ‘Better Together’ Conference 2022 throughout March 1-5th Ellen Sutter, PT, DPT and Annette Xenopoulos-Oddsson, MSc presented “Early detection and developmental outcomes in perinatal brain injury: Do biomarkers of cortical excitability and behavior in infants indicate cerebral palsy?”. Bernadette Gillick, PhD, MSPT, PT presented the following talks: “Skeletal Muscle in Cerebral Palsy”, “Neuromodulation Strategies to Augment Stroke Recovery and Motor Learning Across the Lifespan” and “IAACD COVID-19 Task Force: Stronger Together”.